Ivan Nikolov: History in a distorting mirror

The problem between Bulgaria and Republic of North Macedonia is not our attitude vis-à-vis Gotse Delchev, it would be absurd if it was. The problem is rooted in the Yugo-communist heritage of the young state which has not been revised yet. All arguments stemming from the media which is under the control of the former nomenclature, as well MASA(Masedonian Academy of Arts and Sciences), President Pendarovsky, Prime Minister Zaev and other representatives of the authorities or the opposition, could be brought down to one: preservation of ethno-engineered Makedonistic postulate of “Novakovich-The Comintern- Tito-Kolishevsky“.

With this baggage of ideas RCM(Republic of North Macedonia) is now at the door of Europe. We, two and a half million descendants of Macedonian refugees in Bulgaria, heartily desire this fraternal country to be accepted as full-fledged member of the European family and, at the same time, we follow the developments in Macedonia with hope and alarm. We understand the psychological premises of resistance to the denunciation of the past, yet aren’t freedom and democracy the necessary tools needed to unite the hands and to melt the ice that have gripped the consciences? Why then, already 30 years after the break-up of Yugoslavia, the evils from the communist past have not have not been investigated and why the artificially created ideological treatment of the historical events, the national Revival, the revolutionary struggles and the personalities involved have been left without revision?

Some intellectuals in Bulgaria, who are unconsciously preaching liberalism, in fact a hidden dogmatic version of Marxism, with broad and muddled phrases and with no concrete knowledge of the problems, have come out with appeals, which are actually, refusals to condemn the distortion of the past and the murders perpetrated in the name of the European future of the young state. All might be well, but is it in the spirit of Europe if with the help of Bulgaria, Brussels accepts the Titoist, communist and anti-Bulgarian heritage of Macedonia in “all its beauty“?
And, due to this propaganda, past ideologies and the false assumptions are still in official use, I will try to focus this study to the realm of reality. /BGNES
