Trade Unions: The 2022 state budget does not earmark money for higher wages to offset inflation

Bulgaria’s trade unions welcome the decision of the authorities to allocate more money for social polcicies between the first and the second reading of the 2022 state budget. Meanwhile, however, they are calling on them to allocate more money for wages to offset the soaring inflation.

The Confederation of Independent Trade Unions in Bulgaria insists that more money be earmarked for wages, as low incomes are trigerring tension in a number of sectors. "Bulgarians do not receive compensations for galloping inflation", the President of the Confederation of Independent Trade Unions in Bulgaria Plamen Dimitrov said for the BNR and added that this applies to all workers who are paid by the state budget, except for school teachers. In his words, tensions will rise, if the authorities do not increase wages by at least 15% to offset inflation. /BGNES