Bulgarians in RSM want participation in the drafting of the constitutional amendments, they affect the future of our children

The Bulgarian associations in the RSM had asked the Macedonian Prime Minister Dimitar Kovatchevski to be included in the working group on the drafting of the constitutional amendments, a BGNES reporter said.
"We submit to You our request to propose the inclusion of representatives in the working group on the constitutional amendments who will defend the interests of the Bulgarians in the Republic of North Macedonia. Our proposal is that these should be competent people who, as citizens of our country, are directly affected by this problem and will be able to make a constructive contribution to the work of the working group so that’s to be more effective and quick. As you know, the issue of the inclusion in the preamble of the Constitution of the Republic of North Macedonia concerns mostly us, the Bulgarians in the country," the text is.

"Dear Mr Prime Minister,
First of all, we would like to underline that the formation of the working group for the constitutional amendments, established by the Ministry of Justice and under Your leadership, is praiseworthy. We believe that this is a step forward towards resolving the issue of the inclusion of the Bulgarian people in the preamble of the Constitution, and hence towards guaranteeing our rights and freedoms in accordance with the highest legal act in the state - the Constitution of the Republic of North Macedonia. It was the Macedonian Bulgarians who were the most constructive element in defending the centuries-old dream - "an independent, democratic and sovereign Republic of Macedonia", a state of all citizens who live in it, without distinction of ethnic, religious, political, social or any other affiliation," the Bulgarian associations addressed the Prime Minister.
However, with the adoption of the Constitution of the Republic of Macedonia on 17.11.1991, and later with all the amendments, was committed a great historical injustice, which left the Macedonian Bulgarians out of the preamble of the Constitution, they note, adding that this historical injustice must be resolved so that they also could benefit from all the rights and freedoms posed from the supreme legal act, along with the other people, who are already inscribed in the preamble of the Constitution.

The undersigned associations of Bulgarians in the Republic of North Macedonia are:
1. Association DELO Skopje,
2. Civic Association for Freedom of Media TRIBUNA – Prilep,
3. Balkan Horizons - Ohrid,
4. Association of Bulgarians "South" - Prilep,
5. Corridor No. 8 - Skopje,
6. Association Foundation Unity - Kochani,
7. Civic Democratic Union - GDSU,
8. Association for Macedonian-Bulgarian Friendship - Skopje,
9. Interaction - Ohrid,
10. Heritage - Skopje,
11. Association "Macedonian-Bulgarian Friendship" - Bitola,
12. Balkan Corridor - Kavadarci. / BGNES